Sunday, May 11, 2014

Week One: Personal Travel Blogging

I was an unwilling traveler for a long time. I was seven years old when I got my first passport, but I wouldn't have gotten it had my great-grandmother not been dying in Ireland. The next time I flew internationally was the result of moving to Germany during the 1987-1988 school year, about a year and a half before the Berlin Wall fell. I was too young to make decisions about travel for a long time, but once I became older and could make decisions for myself, I began to enjoy traveling: My most recent trip to Europe was my 10th, and I've traveled to 17 countries.

Until a few years ago, it hadn't occurred to me to write about my own travels, but during the past couple of international trips, I began blogging. My travel writing experiences focused on specific places I've visited, even keeping a separate blog that allows me to document where I've eaten and what I ate.Though the extent of anyone else's interest is negligible, blogging helped me remember my experiences and allowed me to centralize my memories and photographs. When my husband and I went on our honeymoon to Iceland, I specifically created a blog that I decided I would maintain and update the more we travel. It's been the personal ties to specific European countries that have drawn me to specific aspects of travel writing; having cousins, aunts, and uncles in Ireland - and dual American-Irish citizenship - means I have a connection that others might not. Having been speaking (albeit ungrammatical) German for 27 years means I have a linguistic backup in Europe. (And it means that I'm not dismissed as an American who can't speak another language. )

I gravitate towards personal accounts of travel writing; I'm interested in what people have seen, what they've eaten, the people they talk to, and the historical and geographical background of a country. In broader terms, I'm interested in cultural, historical, culinary, religious, and musical aspects of travel writing, both in terms of reading and experience. And while nature isn't something in which I had been interested previously, landscapes that are different from what I'm used to hold an interest.

But my interest in nature as part of travel writing is a recently developed one, the result of a trip to Iceland in June and July, 2013. This first picture is of Laufskálavarða, a lava ridge, located between the Hólmsá and Skálmá rivers, close to the road north of Álftaver. All travellers crossing the desert of Mýrdalssandur for the first time were to pile stones up to make a cairn, which would bring them good fortune on the journey.

This second picture is taken at Lögberg ("the law rock") at Þingvellir National Park; during the Icelandic Commonwealth period (930-1262), this was the hub of the Alþing meeting. A lot of history happened outdoors, and I'm only recently appreciating both together.


  1. Iceland?! For your honeymoon?? I want to hear more! What made you choose to go there, and why? Most people choose a white, sandy beach for their honeymoon, and Iceland doesn't really fit that. I find this so interesting and would love to hear more about it.

    Your love for travel writing really shows in your writing. I can't wait to read more.

  2. Hi Liz,

    Thank you! We decided to go to Iceland because we figured that no one in their right minds would go to Iceland on their honeymoon. :-) We went in June and July last year, but it was still quite cool and often rainy, but we DID see several beaches (one of which had ice on it!). We spent 19 days driving around the exterior of the country, and it was a really wonderful experience, being able to take our time and poke our noses into interesting areas. It was quite lovely.

  3. Hi Michelle.
    Your blog is amazingly thorough. You document your life so thoroughly; I'm amazed at how many outbound links you have. I tried to comment on your Icelandic food blog, but for some reason the comment wouldn't publish. I showed it to a friend of mine who has been there recently. The pictures are amazing clear, and encyclopedic in accuracy and variety. You are old hat at blogging!
    If there is one aspect I might work on adapting is the font. I have fairly good eyesight, but I wonder if a font that is more simple would make for easier reading for a wider audience? The text is quite small, but the writing is so voluminous. Overall, you definitely display an expertise at managing your blog, and the layout is very attractive.
